Can a person have more FUN than shopping the once-a-month sale at Room With A Past? You bet your little can-can!
It's the annual PARKING LOT SALE!
This is the event of the year for us true blue ROOMIES. We get to unload goodies we've been hoarding for a long time, which we thought would be used in our own homes, but we just never got the time to use (because we were out shopping for more stuff!).
Maybe we switched out our collections of vintage lamps, kitschy kitchenware, or gathered chairs (some of us are addicted to great-looking dining chairs).
Or maybe we needed the closet space the embroidered linens once occupied, or we can no longer store those painted china dishes in the dishwasher (you know who you are!), or just maybe the intended use for the garage where we stored that fabulously carved wood dresser has been requested to be restored (by those who we let think they wear the pants in the family)...
In any case, it's great news for you! There are bargains to be had outside along with all the charming and unique things we always have inside!
Our June opening starts this Thursday, June 23 through June 26th. Since we'll have the parking lot full of treasures galore on Saturday and Sunday (25th & 26th), your best bet for parking will be on the street or in spots not reserved for our neighboring business's. We'll be happy to have you drive up to our loading area so we can load your purchases!
(Photos are from last year's Parking Lot sale!)