Sweet, Petite and it'll keep it's new home Neat! This little desk with some much-coveted, organizational cubby holes and a slim drawer could have walked out on it's own curvy little legs, but we were happy to load it up and give it a proper send off. It was priced at 129.00 and it didn't stand around lookin' pretty for very long.
We've often touted ourselves here at Room With A Past as the queens of one-of-a-kind finds, and this tall, hand painted lace-stenciled dresser, with sparkling glass knobs (sold for 195.00 and painted by the fabulously talented Jan H.) is a perfect example. With over 35 create consignors at the helm, this ship sails every month with new and exciting merchandise you can't find anywhere else!
And speaking of creativity--why not let some of ours rub off on you?!? What will you do with all that burlap trim (10.00) and ribbon bunches (5.00) you took home last month? Send us a photo so we can post it here on our blog!
What will you be sitting at when the bees are buzzing and summer finds you enjoying the backyard this summer? We hope it's something as cute as this glass-topped iron patio table and four chairs that sold for 185.00. You just never know what we'll have to greet you when you walk in the door, but you can always count on us having something that's 50% seasonally necessary and 50% so very charming! It always adds up to 100% something you'll love!
And here, ladies and gentlemen is the staple of our store: it's functional, it's stylish and it's always in demand (seriously--where were you all storing your socks before we opened for business?), may we present the humble dresser (AKA chest of drawers and bureau!). Top it with a plush pad and presto, it's a changing table for baby. This baby was crying "Sold!" when the new owner saw the price of 167.00.
Hungry for a little nostalgia? Pull a shiny red vinyl and chrome chair up to this round blast-from-the-past table and dig in. If you listen closely, you may hear two young lovers of yesteryear sharing the last slurps of a chocolate malted in the past of this hep-cat daddy-o set of four chairs and chrome rimmed table. It was the first thing to sell on our Thursday night opening in June, and the rockin' price of $380.00 was like a sweet be-boppin' song of the jukebox to the new owner's ears.
Whew! All that browsing for beauty makes us a little light-headed. How about a rest in a Bergère? A Bergère with flair! A Bergère with savoir-faire! A Bergère for your home or jardinière! French style and losely woven, neutral fabric together are hot, hot, hot. Add a custom black stenciled French design are we're talking swelter with a chance of swooning! This lovely crafted and up-styled vintage chair priced at 95.00 was snapped up and given a final "Au revoir!" as it headed out the door.
So there's your peek. All done without any sidelong glances, squeaky-wheeled shopping carts or worrying about picking the slowest check-out line in the store. Maybe next month you'll see a picture of what YOU bought at the July 21, 22, 23 & 24th sale listed here! (You can also SIGN UP to get the monthly email announcements so you'll be reminded of each sale and any monthly contests just before it happens.)