This is vintage garden ware at its finest! We have customers who collect anything metal & spotted with rust, and this red lawn sprinkler will be someones prize when they snap it up during our August 18 - 21st opening.
Need a lift? How about marrying your ultra-feminine crystal chandelier to this industrial-chic metal pulley? Stark gray metals with functionality mixed with pretty things is HOT right now.
Want to blow your daughter's mind? Show her how you (or your older sister!) used to dry your hair before the invention of ionic hair dryers and flat irons. This hairdryer on a stand has some great vintage colors!
If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen and take your pots & pans with you! This electrified one-of-a-kind lamp, made from metal baking pans, a coffee pot and colander has been topped off with sparkling crystals. It would be such an eye-catching piece in your kitchen that it might distract from your domestic responsibilities of cooking and cleaning (oh what a shame!).
This oddity is really head & shoulders above anything else in the shop right now. But we love her--she's such a doll! She is used as a display for our handmade cupcake baby hats. She's always ready with a smile or a knowing wink of the eye as she watches us set up our monthly displays!
And here's some odds n ends you'll really be able to sink your teeth into. These vintage accouterments for your projects include old watch cases & crystals, springs, clock faces, game pieces, vials, gems, shells and oh, yes--false teeth! Be careful when you're looking through them--you might just find something looking back at YOU!