As ROOMIES, we love a good time just as much as the next gal, but getting caught with your bloomers down isn't as scandalous as one might think! Sure, It can be dirty, but not THAT kind of dirty. Today we're giving you a little "Hey, I'm
not ready for my close-up Mr. DeVille!" peek at what it DOES mean.
ROOMIES love vintage furniture, and the accessories that are the sugar to our "eye-candy". We love beautiful fabrics, old books with foxing, and art that depicts simpler times. We love things that sparkle, unexpected colors popping off each other, as well as hues that are soft & soothing. But most of all
we love it when it when our plan comes together!
Being a ROOMIE not only means "taking stock" of what you've got, it also means cleaning stock, arranging stock and bringing in "new" stock every month.

It means arriving to the shop with a truckload of things (usually on your day off from your "real" job) that you've handpicked from all the estate sales & flea markets that had you traveling all over the county!

It means you climb ladders, step on stools, get down on your hands & knees and appreciate the help and support from anyone who'll give it to you, just so you can realize the dream of working in a store you love!

It means you move furniture that is three times as big as you are (by yourself usually!) until it "moves" you.

It means you "listen" to a piece and paint it the
exact color it's whispering to be painted.

It means you take a moment to collect your thoughts and imagine a hundred times where a hundred things would look best. It means being the muscle, having the vision and putting your heart into every hard-working minute of it.

It means taking a pile of wonderful things you have a connection with,

and making it look like someone else could walk right in, sit down...

and live there!
Now that you've seen the "before", we hope you'll come see what we've "done with the place" this month. Our sale starts this
Thursday, March 18th and continues through Sunday, March 21st. Sign up on our
email list and we'll be happy to send you a reminder every month!